Hi -- Welcome to our site!

Many moons ago in the early 90s, my wife Marisa and I decided we were going to turn our avocational love for the past and present wilds of Florida into our occupation. So we started Fossil Expeditions and Megalodon Expeditions, which are fossil guide services.

A few days each week, we could be found sloshing around with a small group of crazies like us in the shallows of some stream, scanning the bottom for marine or terrestrial fossils. For us, "just another day at the office" took on a very special meaning.

University Press of Florida published our first book "Fossiling In Florida" in 1999, and we have since published other books on our own. Our publishing company is called "PaleoPress". We have additional web pages for my nature photography and Marisa's art at a link called, "Florida Time Forgot" on our website.

Sadly, Marisa passed away in 2022.

Of course, things will never, ever be the same without my life love and partner, whom I miss terribly. But I know I have to continue working to survive and this job was one we both enjoyed tremendously. So onward -- still together!

Mark and Marisa Renz


See Mark's nature photography and Marisa's art.