Miscellaneous finds - 2018
There's nothing like a peaceful day on the ever-winding Florida Peace River.
C. megalodon tooth, found by Dave Wiz. Peace River, FL.
C. megalodon, found by Miranda and Steve Murphy. Peace River, FL.
Mako upper jaw tooth (Isurus hastalis), found by Adelle Donaldson. Peace River, FL.
Horse tooth (Equus sp.). Peace River, FL.
Horse tooth (Equus sp.) chewing surface. Peace River, FL.
Spring Break along the banks of the Peace River. Flowers unknown. Peace River, FL.
C. megalodon tooth, found by Miranda and Steve Murphy. Peace River, FL.
Mastodon tooth...wait a minute...look closer...Saw Palmetto root! Peace River, FL.
So if the flowers aren't beautiful enough, check out the second photo with what looks like peas
in a pod growing beneath the flowers. Are these perhaps one of the names given the Peace River?
Native Americans called it "Talakchopco", or "River of the long peas", because of the wild peas
growing along the bank. Peace River, FL.
"River of the long peas". Peace River, FL.
C. megalodon. Peace River, FL.
Is it better to have never found a Meg tooth, or to find one split in half?
I would argue that a little bit of Meg is better than no Meg, and any kind of Meg
is better than no Meg at all. Got to believe it! Peace River, FL.
C. megalodon. Peace River, FL.